Interviews with Martin Gardner

Among the many hundreds of interviews with Martin which have taken place over the decades—a catalogue of which would be a substantial research project in itself—we list here just a smattering, weighted towards the easily available.

A Conversation with Martin Gardner (Feb 1979, Anthony Barcellos and multiple participants, some of which appeared in The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal, Sep 1979)

Conversation with Martin Gardner, Annotator of Wonderland (1979, Jan Susina, The Five Owls, Jan/Feb 2000)

Interview with Martin Gardner (1981, Scot Morris, Omni, Jan 1982)

"Master of Recreational Mathematics—and Much More An Interview with Martin Gardner" (from 1990-1991, Don Albers), excerpts published in MAA Focus (Nov 2004) on the occasion of Martin's 90th birthday.

"The Annotated Gardner" (Michael Shermer, Skeptic magazine, vol 5 no 2, 1997), republished with a new introduction as "Martin Gardner 1914–2010, Founder of the Modern Skeptical Movement" (26 May 2010, eSkeptic),

A Mind at Play: An Interview with Martin Gardner (Kendrick Frazier, Skeptical Inquirer, Mar/Apr 1998)

Interview with Martin Gardner (2004, Allyn Jackson, AMS Notices, Jun–Jul 2005)

Martin Gardner's Magic Spells (Mar 2006, MAA Online, Colm Mulcahy, Oct 2006)

The Martin Gardner Interview (2005, Don Albers, in 5 parts online)

The College Mathematics Journal (May 2005, Don Albers, part 1)

The College Mathematics Journal (Sep 2005, Don Albers, part 2)

Conversations with Martin Gardner (May 2007, Donald E. Simanek)

"Mathemagician" Make (Vol 12, Nov 2008, Donald E. Simanek)